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Friday, 6 November 2009

NME Music Magazine Analysis

This music magazine front cover features many elements that are typical to this genre of music magazine: rock. The main picture features the lead member of a rock band, who is performing on stage, with a bright light behind him. The photo was framed informally, from a low angle, giving this ‘rock star’ a sense of superiority. It was taken so that he appears to be shouting, making the picture seem exciting, and more appealing to the younger audiences of the magazine, who listen to this genre of music.
Most language on the front cover is colloquial, using terms that only younger people may understand, such as “ticket washout”, showing that the magazine is intended for them, and making it seem more ‘fun’. A label/sticker effect is used in the corners of the magazine, with smaller pictures at varying angles and text is used in varying sizes and slanted angles, reinforcing the idea of ‘casualness’. Furthermore, many elements of the front cover over-lap each other, relating again to this sense of a relaxed attitude to the magazine, perhaps making the magazine seem ‘cool’.
Overall, the magazine front cover has been packed with as much text and images possible, using a colour scheme of red and black: colours that connote danger, making the magazine ‘thrilling’ and ‘worth a read’, but also making it stand out amongst others. All of the text used is in capital letters, with a bold, modern, but clear style, connoting a ‘loud’ and ‘in your face’ approach, often aspired to by teens.
Many of the elements of this magazine that I have mentioned are elements that I would consider featuring in my magazine during the design stage.

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