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Saturday, 26 September 2009

School Magazine Front Cover Analysis 3

This magazine uses the same recognisable style as other issues, so that the read know what magazine they are picking up easily. The slanted picture shows that the magazine is informal and makes it a little more exciting for this audience. The character himself is represented as a professional football playing instantly recognisable by his modern clothing, hairstyle and the football he is holding, which are all stereotypical images of a football player (e.g: the Nike jumper). He looks happy, which is welcoming to new students looking to join the school and also makes the school seem like it has a happy atmosphere. He looks content with his football skills. He is outside which reflects the fact that the character is a sportsman and he is in 'his environment'. The phrase "Shooting stars" is an alliteration, making the phrase easier to read, a well know phrase for comets entering the atmosphere and also a metaphor, referring to the character being a professional and being able to "shoot" goals. The white text is simple and easy to read, making it appealing and also reflects the colour of a football.
The audience would mainly be students of the school or future students, where the language and structure reflect this. They may be particularly boys as football is seen as a boy's sport whereas in my second magazine frontcover analysis, the emphasis may have been on girls, as art is often seen as a more feminine activity.

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